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I’ve lived in three countries so far, and I got some official documents from all of them (Germans definitely spam way more than the others). I think it’s interesting to compare, how different approaches they have to the design of those documents.

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Radiowe Nutki - Najłatwiejsze ciasto w świecie

I baked a cake. It wasn’t hard, it wasn’t impressive, I don’t have a picture to share, I’m not planning to use this recipe ever again or even to eat it whole.

But still, it was quite an important cake for me.

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(~3 min read)

There is a website I’ve created many years ago, Stosłowia (Polish only), which collects stories of up to a hundred words. It never got any users, but I didn’t really care to promote it in any way either.

Last week I’ve decided to rewrite it from scratch, because so many things were wrong about it – from an ancient backend in plain PHP with hardcoded credentials and no separation of concerns, to login with Facebook (and only Facebook) that stopped working... Now it’s a fresh Symfony 4.1 with Encore with some new features (like automatic screenshot generation, seen for instance on Twitter).

But what I’d like to show you, is how a couple of pretty small design changes have made the whole website way nicer visually (IMHO).

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(~3 min read)
Distracted boyfriend meme

There is a song by Faun (“Tanz mit mir”) in which a girl agrees to dance with a guy and then spend the night with him, but only if he is “faithful” and “doesn’t kiss any other girl”.

It got me thinking... From a perspective of a non-monogramist that sounds like an extremely low bar for cheating. Really, a kiss is too much already? Maybe he can’t even check out a girl? Oh, right, he probably can’t.

If we counted how many kisses or hugs me and my husband have given out to other guys, we’d have to get divorced repeatedly... Does it mean people in open relationships have no bar whatsoever? Hell no! We can feel cheated too!

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(~2 min read)

Pope Francis wrote a letter to all Catholics, in which he vows no more sexual abuse cover-ups. Cool... So when pope does it, it’s called “a Letter to the People of God”? If I vowed not to cover for criminals, it would be called “basic human decency”.

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(~2 min read)

It’s honestly diffucult being a webdeveloper in the world of shitty websites. I guess that’s how hairdressers feel when they see my pathetic hair after it’s been a while since my last visit...

But the thing is, even though it’s technically easy to use scissors and clippers, I don’t do that on my own hair, I leave that to the professionals.

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(~5 min read)

Jak już chyba wszyscy w polskich internetach wiedzą, redaktor Frondy, wstydzący się podpisać nazwiskiem pod swoim tekstem, trzęsie portami przed “szatanem” kryjącym się w autobusie linii 666 na Hel i żąda od “świeckiego” państwa interwencji ze względu na swoją mitologię.

Mam do niego parę (retorycznych) pytań, bo chyba nie przemyślał za dobrze swoich żądań...

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You don't get to bitch about those guys having sex, if you support an organisation that protects pedophiles.

I’m sick and tired of biggots treating me hatefully because of my sexual orientation.

Especially, if they are catholic. Why? Because they have even less of a moral highground than the other biggots. Here’s the logic:

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(~2 min read)
I will never divorce this lil whore xD (love you Andreas :*) xD

As you might know, I’m in an open relationship and I’m even asking How is monogamy still a thing? in one blog post. But when I got asked for an advice on how to open a relationship, I realised I have honestly no idea what to say.

But after some thought, it boils down to that, more or less:

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(~3 min read)
World Naked Bike Ride Amsterdam 2018

Yeah, you have some cool photos... But do you have a photo of yourself biking naked in front of the Iamsterdam sign in the centre of Amsterdam? 😄

It was definitelly the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life – and I enjoyed every single second of it!

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(~3 min read)

I had to learn Git as a programmer. If you want to easily collaborate on a codebase, you really need either Git or something similar. But as a non-programmer, you’ve probably never even heard that name, have you? Then why would you ever need it?

Well, for exactly the same reasons!

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(~2 min read)

As much as I try not to brag, there is one thing I just cannot stop bragging about: how awesome my relationship is. Seriously, whenever I see some other couple fighting about some petty thing or struggling to communicate about the simplest issues, I wonder, what the hell are they doing wrong? To us it comes so naturally...

And I think I’ve managed to boil it down to a short list od advices:

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(~2 min read)

Jakby ktoś miał problem z deklinacją #hashtag​ów i @mentions​ów, albo tym, że Twitter traktuje skrót „” jako link, polecam wklejenie znaku “ Zero Width Space😉

Przykład użycia U+200B

Wejście w życie RODO/GDPR napawa mnie wielką radością. Już masowo nakazałem usunięcie moich danych osobowych firmom, o których już dawno zapomniałem, albo o których nawet nie wiedziałem, że mają ze mną cokolwiek wspólnego.

To też okazja, by trochę się pośmiać i ponarzekać:

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Portal jest zajebisty. Rzadko gdzie można znaleźć ogłoszenia o pracę w IT, gdzie jasno będzie podana nie tylko stawka, ale i szczegółowe warunki pracy w danej firmie.

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I need to rant.

I’ve had enough of Germany. I know, I know, it’s given me opportunities that I could never expect in my homeland of Poland, I’ve spent amazing three years here, I married the love of my life here... But now it’s not time for good stuff. Now it’s time for a complaint.

Here’s (some of) the reasons why I want to move out from this country.

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(~12 min read)

I’m sick and tired of the idiots on the Internet and on TV, who keep babbling about how “nowadays you can’t even hug a woman without harassing her” or how “in some countries you now need a written consent form before having sex” (like in the fake post below or in this 9gag post). Someone even created that uses blockchain to sign such a form...

It’s all bullshit. Consent is not at all a complicated issue!

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(~2 min read)

Razem od 4,5 roku. Z tego absolutnie pewni, że to właśnie ze sobą chcemy spędzić resztę życia – już nawet nie wiem od jak dawna, może coś koło trzech lat? Ale ślub wzięliśmy raptem parę tygodni temu. Trochę nam zeszło zbieranie się do niego, no nie?

Cóż, Polska nawet nie chciała o tym słyszeć, Niemcy ociągały się z wprowadzeniem pełnej równości małżeńskiej, a my baliśmy się tej całej międzynarodowej biurokracji i nie do końca widzieliśmy potrzebę... Tak się jakoś odkładało i odkładało na potem...

Teraz, gdy mamy to już za sobą, wiemy, że to nie aż takie straszne. I że warto. Stąd też ten mały tutorial, który być może pomoże komuś w podobnym kroku. Jak to wszystko pozałatwiać, ile to kosztuje, ile to trwa, od czego zacząć?

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(~10 min read)

The story I described in here finally has a bittersweet ending – I finally got my computer back! After over two months, after lots of stress and fighting, and after having paid them 130€ (only 25% of what they first requested, but still 100% more than I should have paid)...

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(~2 min read)
Part 1
You're tired of my anti religion posts? Why don't you pray for me to stop?

“No dobra, możesz nie podzielać mojej wiary w Jezusa/Allaha/kogokolwiek, ale czy musisz od razu ją wyśmiewać?”

Ano wcale nie muszę. Ale czuję taką (wręcz moralną) potrzebę. Dlaczego?

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(~2 min read)
Ain't no border high enough

Aby wyjechać za granicę potrzebuję paszportu. W najlepszym przypadku mi go nie skontrolują, ale i tak muszę go mieć przy sobie. Aby zostać tam na stałe, muszę odwiedzić parę urzędów po obu stronach. W najlepszym przypadku po prostu zgłosić, że to robię. W najgorszym – spędzić całe lata na ubieganiu się o wizy, pozwolenia, azyle...

A zwierzęta mają to wszystko w dupie.

Migrują kiedy chcą i dokąd chcą. Byle tylko dały radę się tam dostać i dostosować do warunków na miejscu.

W czym jesteśmy od nich gorsi? Dlaczego sami siebie ograniczamy nawzajem? Dlaczego koniecznie musimy sobie dzielić planetę na terytoria?

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(~2 min read)

– Morning! How was your weekend?
– Morning! Well, we went do Poland to visit my boyfriend’s family and we...
– Oh, so you have a boyfriend? That’s ok. You know, I have gay friends.
– Erm... OK... So what? I have gay friends too. And straight friends... What’s your point?

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(~3 min read)

Nie, nie jestem grzesznikiem. Dla niektórych jest to jedna z najbardziej zuchwałuch rzeczy, jaką człowiek może powiedzieć. Bo to na tym kłamstwie opiera się cała ich religia: że wszyscy jesteśmy skażeni grzechem, że bez boga jesteśmy niczym, że jak byśmy się nie starali, to i tak jesteśmy prochem marnym, który bez jego łaski nie jest w stanie być “zbawionym”.

A ja mam to w dupie.

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(~2 min read)

Meinen Rechner hab ich von / Schenker Technologies gekauft. Es scheinte eine gute Idee zu sein. Was es aber gar nicht. Ich fühle micht von mySN betrogen und we Müll behandelt. Ihre Kundenservice ist voll unprofessionel, ihre Hardware ist Scheiße und sie scheinen sogar nicht zu wissen, was sie im Lager haben und wie viel ihre Teile kosten. Im Ernsts!

Das ist mein (verkürztes) Geschichte:

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(~3 min read)
A bittersweet ending of this story

I’ve bought my laptop from / Schenker Technologies. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But it definitely was not. I feel scammed by them, I feel treated like trash by them. Their customer service is unprofessional, their hardware is crap and they don’t even seem to know what they have in storage and how much do their parts cost. Seriously!

Here’s my story in short:

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(~3 min read)
A bittersweet ending of this story

Step 1: Get naked.

Step 2: Enjoy!

There’s a reason we don’t teach astrology, fortune-telling, horoscopes, telepathy or homeopathy at schools – they’re bullshit, they are claims not supported by any credible evidence. Yet when it comes to religion, some countries are fine with teaching it in schools. What the fuck?

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Z jakichś powodów nie uczymy astrologii, wróżbiarstwa, horoskopów, telepatii czy homeopatii w szkołach – ponieważ są bzdurami, są twierdzeniami niewspartymi przez żadne wiarygodne dowody. Jednak w przypadku religii niektóre kraje nie widzą problemu z nauczaniem ich w szkołach. What the fuck?

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While working on Avris Forms v4.0, I’ve decided to migrate some code from CoffeScript with jQuery to Vanilla JS. And I guess it might be a good idea to share this transition 😉

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(~3 min read)

Keeping your classes immutable and stateless makes your code way less prone to bugs. Yet somehow this clean code rule isn’t as popular and as often invoked as SRP, YAGNI, DRY, KISS and others... Maybe it’s because of the lack of a catchy acronym?

Anyways, I’d like to take a look at two examples of when sticking to this rule could save your ass (or at least save you some time debugging).

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(~5 min read)

I was checking out some wedding vows to then write mine on my own. And I realised how much are they saying about one’s definition of what marriage means to them...

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(~3 min read)

I’ve been to so many weddings in my lifetime! Yet only one of them was not in a church, and not a single one was same-sex or performed in Germany. My first one is gonna be my own.

And I’m kinda scared...

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(~2 min read)
100% coverage - feels good!

Having 100% of LOC covered by unit tests certainly feels like a great achievement. But beware – that doesn’t necessarily mean your code is perfectly covered. Lines of code coverage is a really nice indicator of your app’s stability, but is can also hide some risks.

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(~6 min read)

Today I found out that in some laboratories, when you want to get your blood tested for HIV/HCV/syphilis/etc. (for free and anonymously), you do not have to go to confession about your sexual life. It was a great surprise for me, because whenever I did such tests, I always got to fill out a questionnaire about what, when, how many times, and with how many guys I did it. And then I had to further elaborate in a face-to-face conversation with some stranger.

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(~2 min read)

Dziś dowiedziałem się, że w niektórych laboratoriach gdy robią ci (darmowe i anonimowe) badania krwi na HIV/HCV/kiłę/etc., wcale nie musisz się nikomu spowiadać ze swojego życia seksualnego. To dla mnie niemałe zaskoczenie, bo kiedy bym sobie takich badań nie robił, zawsze najpierw dostawałem do wypełnienia ankietę, co, kiedy, jak i z iloma robiłem, a potem jeszcze musiałem to doprecyzować face-to-face jakiemuś obcemu kolesiowi...

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(~2 min read)

Let’s not kid ourselves, most of us would like to have more than one partner. But we rarely dare to admit it. The taboo on polygamy is too big.

I hate taboos though! Let’s loosen it up a notch! Let’s talk about non-monogamy and why it’s not as evil and depraved as it might sound.

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(~5 min read)

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