My first World Naked Bike Ride – and I absolutelly loved it!

World Naked Bike Ride Amsterdam 2018

Yeah, you have some cool photos... But do you have a photo of yourself biking naked in front of the Iamsterdam sign in the centre of Amsterdam? 😄

It was definitelly the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life – and I enjoyed every single second of it!

The World Naked Bike Ride is an event that happens every year in multiple cities around the globe. Its goal is to promote two things: biking as an efficient, environmentally friendly, zero-emission mode of transportation, and nudity as a natural, healthy and pleasant way of living (that doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual). Although admittedly the Dutch love their bikes so much, that the first goal becomes kinda moot.

As much as I love being naked and even have no problem posting my nudes online, biking naked through a city centre is a totally different league, it’s totally hardcore. I wasn’t sure until the very start, if I’ll be able to do it. I’ve made a friend online, we went there together, and we supported each other to do it. We don’t regret it at all.

What totally surprised me, was how positive random people were about the whole action. They were waving, screaming, cheering, supporting, clapping, taking pictures! Sure, many were confused about what’s going on, a few (but only women!) were covering their eyes. But that’s as far as the “negative” reactions went!

On the other hand there was a guy – a clothed bystander – who saw us and just took off his pants and started waving his cock 😄 Another guy, a really friendly and open-minded Brazilian, saw us biking, decided it looks fun, got completely naked and joined us, without even being sure what is the action about. It really felt like in a big big family.

How does one feel, when riding naked through Amsterdam with like a hundred other nude people? Free. Liberated. Extatic. It’s totally indescribable. It really teaches you not to give a fuck. And that’s just beautiful!

There had to be also some things I didn’t like that much. The speed, for instance. When riding in a group, it’s almost inevitable that you start and stop really often, and you’re going really slow in the process. Also: driving round and round and round the square in front of the Rijksmuseum was kind of lame, IMO. And some guy kept ringing his bell constantly, as if he was a 6 years old girl on her first bike...

But what was the saddest, was how few women came to the event. It’s sad, because it’s a sign of what people generally think about naturism: that it’s something sexual. That the whole point is to stare at naked chicks, or whatever. Well, it’s not. There’s still a long way before us to fix that misconception.

Apart from that, I really can’t complain. The whether was wonderful, the people were so friendly, the ride was so fun!

Who’s joining us next year? 😊

BTW, if you’re looking for a nudist place near your location, confirmed and described by people who have actually been there, you might want to check out our project The database of places is still small, but constantly growing 😉

A photo of me

About the author

Hi! I'm Andrea (they/them). I tell computers what to do, both for a living and for fun, I'm also into blogging, writing and photography. I'm trying to make the world just a little bit better: more inclusive, more rational and more just.

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