Yet another one of my projects, Naked Adventure, grew too outdated to support it. I had to rewrite it from scratch.
I took the opportunity to redesign it as well. (screenshots before & after at the bottom)
(~2 min read)
There's plenty of reasons to love Daði Freyr's song (and my personal favourite for the 2020 Eurovision win) ”Think About Things”. But the most important reason is this: Daði is singing about treating his child like a human being. And that's why the song brings me to tears.
(~4 min read)
I've already complained about my mySN laptop here and here, but now it turns out, there's a part three to be written...
Having lived in three different countries and interacted with people from all around the world made me realise that Polish names have some pretty unique quirks – to which, as a native speaker, I didn't give too much thought, while foreigners find them quite strange.
(~4 min read)
Hackers know your password. I'm like 99% sure they do. Just go to ';--have i been pwned? and enter your email(s). See? Your password is as good as public.
(~3 min read)
Yet another one of my projects, Avi • Simple placeholder avatars, grew too outdated to support it. I had to rewrite it from scratch.
I took the opportunity to redesign it as well.
For me, gender is over.
Not in a sad, “Game Over” way.
In a happy, “Mission accomplished” way.
(~2 min read)
If every single person on this planet had a roof over their head, food on their plate, and access to high-quality, free education and healthcare, then I promise I would sod off from ever caring about how many billions does Jeff Bezos have.
But until that day, I care a fucking lot.
(~4 min read)
I keep hearing this one argument over and over again: “if I see things around me that have been created, that means everything had to be created, that means there is a god”.
What they don't seem to notice (apart from such extrapolation being unjustified) is that looking in that direction actually points us towards there being no god.
(~3 min read)
Przypomniał mi się dziś pewien cytat z JKMa, który ładnie ilustruje, jak Korwin potrafi robić kurwę z logiki.
My Twitter bio includes the words “Hail Satan “.
Except I don't believe in Satan (nor in his evil enemy, Jahwe)... So why the hell the did I put put it there?
(~2 min read)
LGBTQ+ does work. We go together, hand in hand. We fight for each other's rights. It's the “T” who threw the first bricks in Stonewall.
Blabbing about “separate issues” is just you trying to mask that you're EMBARRASSED to be associated with trans people.
It's transphobia
If you humiliate and discriminate others, I'm here to tell you I know your little secret: you think you're worthless, and you know you're too lazy to do anything about it.
Yes, of course the only person responible for a rape is the rapist – they're a criminal and should be severely punished. I'm in no way defending them, nor am I victim-shaming the victims. At most, I'm culture-shaming our culture.
With that said: other than chasing the perpetrators, there's also a big cultural change we need to make, if we want to reduce the number of rapes...
(~2 min read)
Polszczyzna, jak każdy żywy język, nieustannie się zmienia i ewoluuje.
W kwestii inkluywności płciowej obserwujemy na przykład trend powrotu do używania feminatywów. I choć jest to świetne dla reprezentacji kobiet w przestrzeni publicznej, to do neutralnej płciowo polszczyzny jeszcze daleka droga.
Osobom niebinarnym ciężko jest się odnaleźć w binarnym do bólu języku polskim.
(~10 min read)
The most important maths lesson in my life wasn't actually that hard. It wasn't even really about maths.
(~2 min read)
I've seen some begginer programmers asking themselves: why do I even need constants?
Variables I get, they're super important, but why have an extra thing that's like a variable, but worse?
It can't even change! And if I know that const NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS = 3
, why can't I just write 3
(~2 min read)
Under a news that yet another church keeps being an asshole towards queer people some guy is asking why don't they just ignore it and find a better church.
Oh the privilege...
This post is not about gays. It's about maths.
(~4 min read)
It's a very common trope in movies and series: people wondering whether, and when, and how they should say “I love you” for the first time to someone they're dating... people worrying about saying it too early, about the other person not saying it back...
But what if we stopped making such a big deal out of it?
(~2 min read)
As a kid I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea of salvation. It wasn't a big deal, I just accepted what they taught me at home, in church and at school, and assumed that when I'm older and wiser, I'll finally understand.
(~4 min read)
#IAmNonbinary is trending on Twitter. Next to beautiful pictures and inspiring stories of nonbinary folks, there’s also tons of hateful replies. Apart from the usual phobic comments, there’s also some idiotic requirements. Haters reproach people that they aren’t andogynous enough, or that they aren’t using “they/them” pronouns, etc, etc.
Oh for fuck’s sake. You’re missing the entire point.
(~2 min read)
My new blog, despite being simple and freshly rewritten, loads way too much crap... So I took a few moments to optimise it a bit – and I ended up with almost 50% reduction in resources size in just two steps!
(~4 min read) avris/fontawesome-optimiser
Toxic masculinity always has misogyny in it.
You can’t be scared shitless about seeming even just a bit feminine without secretly thinking that being a woman is somehow worse than being a man.
If you’re saying that “faith doesn’t require evidence, otherwise it wouldn’t be faith”, you don’t sound smart.
Rather, you are admitting to the very thing I’m accusing faith of being: out of touch with reality, reason and facts.
Good job!
I get that a lot: “oh, you’re gay, you demand tolerance, but you told me that my god is a mythology and that’s soooo intolerant of you blah blah...”
Well, let me tell you how is sexual orientation different from believing in Santa Claus, and why tolerance has nothing to do with it.
just saw Jojo Rabbit
it’s the saddest fucking comedy ever
don’t trust the trailer, bring tissues
(oh, and also, it’s great!)
It wasn’t really supposed for the New Year, but I’ve had plenty of free time on my hands during the holiday break, so here it is already: a brand new version of my blog
(~3 min read)
It’s sad, being a member of a minoritised community and seeing some of its members turn against the others. Like in case of that twitter discussion on whether or not “weird looking” people and drag queens should be allowed to represent us, or even mention publicly that they are queer, for fear of giving us a bad reputation.
I used to be that asshole who answers “no” to this question.
(~2 min read)
Imagine aliens visit us one day, make an in-depth research into our species and sum it up in a history book that they bring home to teach their alien children from.
What would it say? What would it focus on?
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If I had to chose only one song that I would be allowed to listen to for the rest of my life, I would be brokenhearted about all the wonderful music I would lose, but I wouldn’t hesitate for a second about which track I’d choose.
(~3 min read)
My bio says I’m “pan/gay”, which might seem pretty self-contradictory, right? It’s one or the other, right?
Well, here’s why:
(~2 min read)