/ Schenker – there's a part three after all 🙄

I've already complained about my mySN laptop here and here, but now it turns out, there's a part three to be written...

Long story short, my main complaint (among many others) was this:

The charger would just disconnect randomly. Then connect back after a couple of minutes. Then disconnect again. One day it was better, the other it was worse. I almost didn’t use it on battery anymore, for fear I would drain it and then not be able to charge it back.

So basically: now it started happening again 🙄

I'm planning to get a new laptop anyway, a decent one this time, but it's super annoying that it had to happen now, when I still have to wait a few weeks until Apple releases their new MacBooks Pro.

I do need to vent, though... So here we go:

  • this laptop didn't even serve me for three years yet, and it's already trash again,
  • now I'm even more sure that the original problem was absolutely their fault – it happened again, exactly the same, it's an obvious design flaw,
  • their website ( is now down and it looks like they're out of business – exactly what they deserve.
A photo of me

About the author

Hi! I'm Andrea (they/them). I tell computers what to do, both for a living and for fun, I'm also into blogging, writing and photography. I'm trying to make the world just a little bit better: more inclusive, more rational and more just.

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