Have you ever noticed how unfairly we treat our brains?
Just take a look at the stigma surrounding mental issues. How mentally ill are being treated as dangerous weirdos, instead of... just sick people?
Just take a look at how often we don't treat intellectual work like a real work. Thinking that one can't possibly be so tired after eight hours just sitting at a desk.
Just take a look how many of us still believe in a “soul”, without giving enough credit to their brains.
But here's the news: your brain is you. The rest just keeps your brain alive.
You can lose a finger or a leg. You can replace a heart with a transplant. But you can't lose or replace your brain, can you?
It's you, treat yourself with respect.
Mental illness is just a type of illness. Mental work is also work. Consciousness is a function of brain, not a magic astral mystery.