Yet another one of my projects, Naked Adventure, grew too outdated to support it. I had to rewrite it from scratch.
I took the opportunity to redesign it as well. (screenshots before & after at the bottom)
Here's an overview of what I did:
- replaced my abandoned framework Micrus v4 • Beauty of simplicity with Symfony 5,
- based the project on Avris Booster: Quick start of new projects, to take advantage of built-in features: user management (including a passwordless approach to authentication – Passwords are passé), push notifications, etc.
- replaced custom Assetic setup with Webpack Encore,
- updated Bootstrap from 3.0 to 4.4,
- added more contrast to the design, filled the excess of white spaces with content, making filters and maps more prominent,
- replaced Google Maps with Apple Maps, because of privacy concerns (see: Ungoogling, Log out for privacy) – the website is now officially Google-free,
- removed a couple of unnecessary and unused features:
- the homepage (now the user is shown the map right away – after all, the map is the whole point of the project),
- the ”geographic” links (there's no separate map of e.g. German nude beaches anymore, it got integrated into the main map),
- separate events section (now they show up together with places on the same map),
- forum (it wasn't used at all),
- admin panel (now the buttons for admins are just integrated across the website),
- improved filters (for instance added filtering by name and location),
- the process of submission of new steps isn't split into steps anymore: place info, review and description are finally just one single form,
- included some more optimisations.