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It's not God's fault he punishes us. If we would only listen to him... deep down I know he loves us.

As a kid I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea of salvation. It wasn't a big deal, I just accepted what they taught me at home, in church and at school, and assumed that when I'm older and wiser, I'll finally understand.

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(~4 min read)
My workspace

Here's a list of tools that I use for work and can fully recommend:

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A picture of myself

#IAmNonbinary is trending on Twitter. Next to beautiful pictures and inspiring stories of nonbinary folks, there’s also tons of hateful replies. Apart from the usual phobic comments, there’s also some idiotic requirements. Haters reproach people that they aren’t andogynous enough, or that they aren’t using “they/them” pronouns, etc, etc.

Oh for fuck’s sake. You’re missing the entire point.

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(~2 min read)

My new blog, despite being simple and freshly rewritten, loads way too much crap... So I took a few moments to optimise it a bit – and I ended up with almost 50% reduction in resources size in just two steps!

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(~4 min read)

Toxic masculinity always has misogyny in it.

You can’t be scared shitless about seeming even just a bit feminine without secretly thinking that being a woman is somehow worse than being a man.

„Poznałem dzisiaj nowego kolegę. Jest gejem i wspaniałym człowiekiem. Przez 4h rozmowy nie wspomniał ani słowem o swojej orientacji ani nie wyraził się nieuprzjemie w żaden sposób o innym człowieku. Bije od Niego ciepło i empatia. A Pan to tylko duże ego i nic więcej...”

Witamy na dorocznych zawodach w byciu „dobrym gejem”!

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If you’re saying that “faith doesn’t require evidence, otherwise it wouldn’t be faith”, you don’t sound smart.

Rather, you are admitting to the very thing I’m accusing faith of being: out of touch with reality, reason and facts.

Good job! 😅

I get that a lot: “oh, you’re gay, you demand tolerance, but you told me that my god is a mythology and that’s soooo intolerant of you blah blah...”

Well, let me tell you how is sexual orientation different from believing in Santa Claus, and why tolerance has nothing to do with it.

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just saw Jojo Rabbit

it’s the saddest fucking comedy ever

don’t trust the trailer, bring tissues

(oh, and also, it’s great!)

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Screenshot of the new version of the blog

It wasn’t really supposed for the New Year, but I’ve had plenty of free time on my hands during the holiday break, so here it is already: a brand new version of my blog 🥳

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(~3 min read)

It’s sad, being a member of a minoritised community and seeing some of its members turn against the others. Like in case of that twitter discussion on whether or not “weird looking” people and drag queens should be allowed to represent us, or even mention publicly that they are queer, for fear of giving us a bad reputation.

I used to be that asshole who answers “no” to this question.

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Imagine aliens visit us one day, make an in-depth research into our species and sum it up in a history book that they bring home to teach their alien children from.

What would it say? What would it focus on?

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If I had to chose only one song that I would be allowed to listen to for the rest of my life, I would be brokenhearted about all the wonderful music I would lose, but I wouldn’t hesitate for a second about which track I’d choose.

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(~3 min read)
@UrFavGay_ on Twitter: Pansexuality is gay

My bio says I’m “pan/gay”, which might seem pretty self-contradictory, right? It’s one or the other, right?

Well, here’s why:

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(~2 min read)

I think we should see other people... No, I’m not breaking up with you, quite the opposite.

Seeing other people might be beneficial for a relationship. How? Well, let me introduce you to the concepts of “NRE” and “compersion”.

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(~2 min read)

The very first thing I’ve ever tattooed on my body is a symbol of atheism. It might sound stupid for some (“if you don’t believe in god, why do you care so much about the nonexistent?”), but it’s a really important thing for me. Let me tell you why.

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(~4 min read)

Did you know the dicks you see in porn are not real? Per se, sure, but if you look at them as a group? That’s not what what real cocks look like!

I know. I checked.

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(~3 min read)
Diederik de Groot: Vind jij jezelf een ‘echte man’?

No such thing as a “real man”.

It’s just a social construct. It changes over time, it differs from country to country, from social group to social group. It’s super arbitrary.

All men are real men.

Self-Defined Dictionary is a fresh-new open-source project aiming to allow minoritised groups define the words that describe them – finally from their own perspective, and not the perspective of people who never even experienced their struggles.

I took an opportunity to suggest a definition of polyamory from a perspective of a polyamorous person.

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(~2 min read)

So it turns out, coming out is still something that I have to do sometimes 🙄. Surprisingly, though, it’s the other way around now. That’s a brand new experience to me 😅 So here it goes:

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(~3 min read)

Na podstawie naszej historiiMiłość nie wyklucza stworzyła poradnik, jak niszczyć polską rodzinę tuż za zachodnią granicą 😈🥰

Ściągnij PDF

Fair warning: this library is pretty useless. And only moderately fun... 🤷

But it seemed like a cool way to learn a bit about web components, so here it is: a component that creates googly eyes that follow your mouse.


It’s #ComingOutDay, so I feel like I should tell you something...

Here it goes...


I’m queer af 😱

I know, I know, but please try to contain your shock 😅

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I’m watching a documentary about Polish incels, I see them creepily ask radom women on the streets “are you single?”, “do you have a boyfriend?”, and I can’t help but think – why are those questions even a thing in our society?

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(~3 min read)

For quite a while my VPS was misconfigured – any HTTP requests it got but couldn’t assign to a vhost, it redirected to the main website, I didn’t think it would be a big deal, until I recently found out that my post Ungoogling is indexed by Google under

This subdomain hadn’t existed for a long time already, my server doesn’t serve a certificate for it anymore, but it requires HSTS, so browsers end up showing users a scary error message.

I had to do something about it.

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(~3 min read)

As much as I despise DailyMail’s usual hatred and and shittiness, I can’t stand on the side of their recent “victims”: Harry and Meghan Windsor and Elton John. Calling out the hypocrisy and entitlement of the rich is what press is supposed to be doing.

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(~2 min read)

No, honestly, why not? I know why yes, that question is boring, I don’t need anyone convincing me that it’s possible and probably very rewarding to love and be in relationship with more than one person, or that having legal protections for such relationships would be nice.

But I’m curious what would the challenges of such a possibility be.

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(~4 min read)

Politics sucks. Even people who are honestly interested in all the political games often admit: it’s shit.

I would compare it to the Scrum methodology – it might be a useful tool to get your team to get the shit done, but it often ends up resulting in more meetings about what to do than actually doing it.

What if instead of elections we just had a draw?

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(~3 min read)

For whatever reason, many monotheists seem proud of believing in just one god as opposed to those “pagans” who believe in many. They consider it some kind of a “progress” (well, one is closer to the actual number of gods – zero – so technically it might be correct). But are they really monotheistic?

When you walk into the church I used to attend as a child, what do you see in the very center? Yes, the tabernacle, allegedly containing god himself. But what’s way way above it? What’s surrounded by golden ornaments and votive offerings? A figurine of Mary.

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(~3 min read)
? Chcemy, żeby jak najwięcej Obywateli mogło wziąć udział w wyborach i referendach. Głosowanie elektroniczne to już standard w zachodnich demokracjach. Czas i na Polskę! #KoalicjaObywatelska #SzóstkaSchetyny

Platforma Obywatelska obiecała, że wprowadzą głosowanie elektroniczne. Ta partia nie jest znana z realizowania obietnic, więc nie boję się zbytnio, że ten okropny, okropny pomysł wejdzie dzięki nim w życie. Ale temat mnie poruszył, bo widzę, jak bardzo ludzie są zafascynowani taką opcją i jak bezkrytycznie ją popierają, myśląc, że skoro wszystko inne jest lepsze dzięki komputerom, to głosowanie też musi.

Otóż wcale nie musi.

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(~4 min read)

I just had a chance to watch a prerelease showing of “Blinded by the Light”.

I started crying during one of the first scenes and I couldn’t stop till the end.

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(~2 min read)

Homophobes get offended when I compare their anti-LGBTQ bigotry to racism.


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An image search brought be to Pinterest, which automatically… logged me in to an old account, I didn’t even remember I had. I definitely never logged in on this browser.

They just logged me in without asking. WTF?!

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Ostatnio widzę, że wiele osób robi dobrze Kościołowi katolickiemu, publicznie namawiając ludzi, by nie dokonywali formalnej apostazji.

Twierdzą, że to “upokarzające”, że Kk i tak nie usunie twoich danych, i że wciąż będzie uznawał cię za katolika (tylko ekskomunikowanego), więc w sumie to po co się fatygować?

No właśnie, po co?

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(~3 min read)

I know, I know, all this will be pure speculation. But does it not sound really likely?

Imagine that you have a partner of opposite sex, but you don’t really have the greatest relationship... And your conservative parents or grandparents are constantly nagging you: “when is the wedding?”, “when will we get grandchildren?”, blah blah blah... Then you turn on TV and you see people there who cannot get married or have children, but they would very much want to. How would you feel about it?

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(~3 min read)

Wiem, to wszystko będzie czysta spekulacja. Ale czyż nie brzmi prawdopodobnie?

Wyobraź sobie, że masz (różnopłciowego) partnera, z którym no jesteś bo jesteś, jakoś tak siłą rozpędu... a twoi konserwatywni rodzice czy tam dziadkowie ciągle suszą wam głowę “a kiedy ślub?”, “a kiedy wnuki?”, bla bla bla... Włączasz telewizor i widzisz tam ludzi, którzy nie mogą wziąć ślubu ani mieć dzieci, a bardzo chcą. Co byś czuł?

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(~2 min read)

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