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iOS settings: auto-capitalisation disabled

quite some time ago i wrote a post in which i ranted about how i got disppointed by esperanto being advertised to me as “very simple”, yet i was able to find so many ways to make it simpler still.

so… i'm creating a language (as a passion project, not really expecting it to be actually used) in which i'm focusing on simplicity – and one of those simplifications is… completely dropping capital letters. why?

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(~4 min read)

Slurs are derogatory terms weaponised by the oppressor to attack the oppressed. Not the other way around.

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@LesJazd on Twitter: Liberałowie są mniejszością, a określenie

Są całe grupy społeczne, które cierpią przez dyskryminację, marginalizację, szczucie, poniżanie i nierówne traktowanie.

A Leszek Jazdzewski myśli że zna to uczucie, bo… ktosio go nazwało „libkiem” 🤦

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(~3 min read)

Wygląda na to, że konserwatywne snowflejki mają kolejny powód do strachu. Tym razem idzie o jedną z najokropniejszych obelg, jaką można kogoś nazwać:


Tak, kurwa, “osoba”. Obrażają się o “osobę” 🤦

CW: homophobic slurs mentioned

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(~3 min read)

I'm on a quest. A quest to find two words: one to describe gender, sexual and romantic minorities, and one to describe the rest.

I know, the title gives away the result, but please bear with me while I explain how I got there 😉

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(~3 min read)
Wikipedia page: Legality of polygamy

Aparently, this question is getting asked more and more often nowadays, so let me put in my two cents worth. Are polyamorists part of LGBTQ+? And I don't mean those who, like myself, are both pansexual and poly, or both trans and poly, because of course we are. I mean: does polyamory itself make you part of the community?

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(~4 min read)

I'm not kidding, everyone should have pronouns in their bio, if it's safe for them to do so. Yes, even if you're cis (= not trans). Yes, even if you're famous and everyone knows your gender already.

Here's why:

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(~2 min read)

Nie żartuję. Każdx, kto może bezpiecznie to zrobić, powininx mieć zaimki w bio. Tak, nawet jeśli jesteś cis (= nie trans). Tak, nawet jeśli jesteś sławnx i każdy już zna twoją płeć.

Oto dlaczego:

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(~3 min read)
Bart Staszewski bringing president Duda pictures of queer youth bullied into suicide

I keep running away from Polish homophobia. Geographically, I've left five years ago. But online? I'm trying not to read the news, not to engage with homophobes on Twitter, I'm unfollowing Polish accounts…

But I can't keep it up. The extent of queerphobic hatred, especially recently, is terrifying. I can't just idly watch my queer siblings suffer.

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(~7 min read)

“A” in LGBTQIA+ stands for asexual, aromantic & agender – not for “ally”.

Being an ally is not a gender / sexual / romantic minority.

Being an ally is just basic human decency.

@JackChristy93 on Twitter: Something I probably shouldn't say as a gay man: I don't think LGBT works. Sexuality (LGB) and gender identity (T) are nothing like eachother. To be honest the way Gay & Lesbian issues have been slapped aside for gender identity theory pisses me off.

LGBTQ+ does work. We go together, hand in hand. We fight for each other's rights. It's the “T” who threw the first bricks in Stonewall.

Blabbing about “separate issues” is just you trying to mask that you're EMBARRASSED to be associated with trans people.

It's transphobia 🙄

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Kein Mensch ist illegal

If you humiliate and discriminate others, I'm here to tell you I know your little secret: you think you're worthless, and you know you're too lazy to do anything about it.

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Woman covering her face under a bedsheet

Yes, of course the only person responible for a rape is the rapist – they're a criminal and should be severely punished. I'm in no way defending them, nor am I victim-shaming the victims. At most, I'm culture-shaming our culture.

With that said: other than chasing the perpetrators, there's also a big cultural change we need to make, if we want to reduce the number of rapes...

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(~2 min read)
Tęczowa flaga Polski

Polszczyzna, jak każdy żywy język, nieustannie się zmienia i ewoluuje.

W kwestii inkluywności płciowej obserwujemy na przykład trend powrotu do używania feminatywów. I choć jest to świetne dla reprezentacji kobiet w przestrzeni publicznej, to do neutralnej płciowo polszczyzny jeszcze daleka droga.

Osobom niebinarnym ciężko jest się odnaleźć w binarnym do bólu języku polskim.

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(~10 min read)

It's a very common trope in movies and series: people wondering whether, and when, and how they should say “I love you” for the first time to someone they're dating... people worrying about saying it too early, about the other person not saying it back...

But what if we stopped making such a big deal out of it?

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(~2 min read)
A picture of myself

#IAmNonbinary is trending on Twitter. Next to beautiful pictures and inspiring stories of nonbinary folks, there’s also tons of hateful replies. Apart from the usual phobic comments, there’s also some idiotic requirements. Haters reproach people that they aren’t andogynous enough, or that they aren’t using “they/them” pronouns, etc, etc.

Oh for fuck’s sake. You’re missing the entire point.

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(~2 min read)

Toxic masculinity always has misogyny in it.

You can’t be scared shitless about seeming even just a bit feminine without secretly thinking that being a woman is somehow worse than being a man.

„Poznałem dzisiaj nowego kolegę. Jest gejem i wspaniałym człowiekiem. Przez 4h rozmowy nie wspomniał ani słowem o swojej orientacji ani nie wyraził się nieuprzjemie w żaden sposób o innym człowieku.

Bije od Niego ciepło i empatia.

A Pan to tylko duże ego i nic więcej...”

Witamy na dorocznych zawodach w byciu „dobrym gejem”!

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It’s sad, being a member of a minoritised community and seeing some of its members turn against the others. Like in case of that twitter discussion on whether or not “weird looking” people and drag queens should be allowed to represent us, or even mention publicly that they are queer, for fear of giving us a bad reputation.

I used to be that asshole who answers “no” to this question.

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(~2 min read)

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