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Screenshot of the mentioned tweet

Alejandra Caraballo posted a video of a powerful testimony by Lola Smith, a 12-year-old nonbinary person forced to beg for their rights in front of the Florida Medical Board. This video is both terrifying and empowering. Indeed, everyone should see it.

But transphobes transphobing and trans people being forced to defend their dignity is just a part of the struggle. Another one is how our “allies” are pretending to ally…

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(~3 min read)
A hand holding an envelope in the colours of trans flag

DWH Delft organised a letter writing campaign to advocate for the passage of the trans ID bill in the Netherlands.

As much as I'd personally prefer to remove gender markers from official documents entirely, I believe that if it has to be there, it should at least be reasonably easy for trans people to make it reflect their real gender. So here's my letter:

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(~4 min read)
Screenshot of the profile editor on, the timezone section. Header:

A user suggested adding a timezone field to This website lets people, among other things, create a card with info about how they want to be referred – their pronouns, names, etc. But it also has some generic fields, like age or links, so the team was onboard with the idea of adding some more basic info: not just timezone, but while we're at it, why not also a location?

Well, adding a location is not as easy as it seems…

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(~7 min read)
Terminal with `ls -lah /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/` executed on the new server

When it comes to DevOps, I'm just the “dev”. I write code, but I'd rather have someone else worry about making sure it keeps running as intended. I manage my personal VPS, I manage some servers at work, but I wouldn't call myself an expert in that area at all. So I'm super proud of myself and how well it went when I migrated a big project to a new machine 😊 The downtime was just 15 minutes! Here's the story, if you're interested.

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(~6 min read)

Hello. My name is Andrea Vos.

But arriving at that name was quite a journey, so I figured I might write the story down.

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(~4 min read)

A bit my my cheek recenlty – and then it healed. Some time later I cut my lip while playing with Luna – and for the following week I was slightly annoyed by the wound.

That might sound awfully dull, but for me that's a huge reason to celebrate. Cause for years whenever I got even a tiniest wound in my oral cavity, chances were that I'd spend that week barely talking, barely eating, I couldn't kiss or have sex, or sometimes the pain would get so awful I wouldn't even be able to think.

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(~5 min read)

Recently, I'm getting approached online by people trying to pick a fight about religion and about how terrible I am for not being a fan (to put it mildly). Which surprised me quite a bit, since I honestly don't remember the last time religion was even properly on my mind, let alone having brought up this topic publicly.

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(~6 min read)

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