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Easily share content...

Need to send someone a nicely formatted text accessible via a simple link? Look no further. Simply add text, headers, images, tables, videos, quotes, code, etc. – and publish it with one click.


No need to run a blog or have a social media account – using showr you can put content on the Internet without registering, and just post the link wherever and however you want.

With a self-destruct...

Sometimes you want things to be more volatile. Showr lets you set a time limit and limit of unique visitors – after either of them is reached, your content will just self-destruct.
SUML logo

YAML gets praised for being clear and human readable, but it’s also criticised for being ambiguous.

SUML is an attempt to keep the good things about YAML but remove its ambiguity and needless complexity.

SUML documentation SUML implementation in PHP SUML support for Symfony SUML implementation in JavaScript SUML Webpack Loader
Block Checker screenshot

Check how many people you blocked on Twitter and compare yourself to others.

A simple file synchronisation tool using avris-fs.

Warning! It’s a very early version! Conflict handling is not implemented, so only use it when you can safely assume often synchronisations/rare conflicts/versioning on the remote, etc.

Continue reading… npm: avris-sync

A filesystem management abstraction layer for JavaScript. Manage files on local filesystem, on FTP server, on Amazon S3, etc. all through the same interface.

Warning! It’s a very early version!

Continue reading… npm: avris-fs
Avris GraphqlBundle

Simplify Graphql configuration using plain methods with typehints and annotations.

This bundle is a wrapper on webonyx/graphql-php.

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(~3 min read)

Use this library to run any process in the background without blocking the console. It will start a child process, detach it, and save its PID to a file in order to be able to stop it later.

npm: avris-daemonise
Avris Dojo

A Coding Dojo is a great way to practise programming, test-driven development, teamwork, pair programming and problem solving. Avris Dojo provides an easy way to synchronise your dojo codebase with your teammates.

jQuery used to be virtually indispensable, if you wanted to develop a cross-browser website without getting a headache.

Today, however, you might not need jQuery, especially, if you’re developing a library and want to avoid unnecessary dependencies.

Still, some helpers could be useful... Vanillin is an opinionated set of helpers that I find most useful, a bare minimum to make life easier.

npm: avris-vanillin

A Chrome extension that replaces “Donald Trump” on all websites with “Twitler”.

Chrome Extension

A framework doesn’t have to be overly complex! Micrus provides you with a quick, easy and comfortable way of creating neatly structured, modular MVC websites, which can be easily extended and configured.

Our goal is to keep the framework as simple as possible, while offering all the most important features.

Forms are complicated. There are many things you must take into consideration: binding an existing object (if any) to each sparate field of the form, validating them after user has submited the form, if invalid redisplaying it with POST data bound and with validation errors, binding the data back to an object...

Avris Forms add an abstraction layer that handles all of that. You just need to define the list of fields you need and their cofiguration options. You’ll get an object that will handle everything for you. Just handle it in the controller and display it in the view.

HTTP Request/Response abstraction

An extension to Avris Localisator and Avris Stringer introducing support for the Polish language.

A Chrome extension that lets you download images and videos by just Ctrl+Alt+Clicking on them.

Chrome Extension
Avris Bag

Avris Bag is a set of helpers that make working with arrays in PHP way easier.

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(~4 min read)

A musical competition, in which the managers lead their countries every week to a fight for a title of the best song.

Konkurs muzyczny, w którym menadżerowie prowadzący wybrane przez siebie kraje z całego świata co tydzień rywalizują o miano najlepszego utworu.
Avris FunctionMock

FunctionMock is a simple and elegant way to mock away system/global functions in your tests.

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(~2 min read)

Dołącz do protestu w sieci – w 140 znakach napisz, dlaczego nie zgadzasz się na rozmontowywanie przez PiS kolejnych instytucji państwa prawa.

Wir erstellen zusammen eine Karte der besten FKK-Zonen!

Herzlich Willkommen bei Naked Adventure, deine Portalseite für aktuelle von der Gemeinschaft gelenkte Information rund um FKK! @NakedAdventurEu

Let’s create a map of the best nudist places!

Welcome to Naked Adventure, your one stop shop for up-to-date, community driven information about naturism, nudism, FKK, whatever you want to call being natural! @NakedAdventurEu

Stwórzmy mapę najlepszych miejsc naturystycznych!

Witamy w Naked Adventure, tworzonej przez społeczność bazie informacji o nagich plażach, basenach, saunach etc.! @NakedAdventurEu

How big does a framework need to be to provide you with a quick, easy and comfortable way of creating neatly structured MVC websites? That can easily be extended and configured?

Well, not big at all. Just try Micrus! Its goal is to keep it as simple as possible, while offering all the most important features, as listed here:

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Jak duży musi być framework, aby umożliwiał szybkie, łatwe i wygodne tworzenie ładnie uporządkowanych stron MVC? Aby był łatwo rozszerzalny i konfigurowalny?

No właśnie wcale nie tak duży. Wypróbuj Micrusa! Jego celem jest bycie tak małym, jak to tylko możliwe, lecz oferować wszytkie najważniejsze funkcjonalności:

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Dibsy helps team members to coordinate, which qa/staging server is currently being used by whom, and which ones are free to deploy to.

Developed as a 20% project @ Rocket Internet SE

Flags on websites made easy.

Inlude country flags in your websites using simple CSS classes.

Free & simple API for generating nice, colorful default avatars based on a given string (like username or email). Just put your base64-encoded identifier after our URL, optionally specify the desired size and file format, et voilà!

Nicht alle Kommunikationsprogramme unterstützen Bilderaussand. In diesem Fall, kannst Du sie einfach hier hochladen und dem Gesprächspartner den generierten Link schicken. Du kannst sicher sein, dass sie plötzlich nach dem Zugang gelöscht werden!

Update: Dieses Projekt ist nicht mehr unterstützt und wurde von ersetzt.

Not every IM app supports sending pictures. In that case you can just upload them here and send people a generated link. You can be sure your files will disappear right after they see it!

Update: This project is not supported anymore and has been replaced by

Nie każdy komunikator obsługuje załączanie obrazków. W takim przypadku wystarczy że załadujesz je tutaj i wyślesz rozmówcy wygenerowany link. Możesz być pewny, że pliki znikną od razu po otwarciu!

Update: Projekt nie jest już wspierany, jego rolę przejął

Code golf is a type of recreational computer programming competition in which participants strive to achieve the shortest possible source code that implements a certain algorithm. [source]

Picco is a tiny PHP web framework that only takes ~2,5 kB of space and has no dependencies on other libraries, while still providing quite a lot of features, being extensible and reasonably easy to use.

Bequemer Service für bestätigen und generieren von Steuer-IdNr., IBAN, TIN, ISBN, EAN, Kennwörter...

Auch als API und NPM package verfügbar.

Generate and validate numbers and identifiers like IBAN, ISBN, EAN, PESEL, BSN, passwords...

Also available as and API and an NPM package.

Wygodne narzędzie do walidowania i generowania numerów PESEL, NIP, REGON, numeru dowodu osobistego, rachunku bankowego, haseł itp.

Dostępny również jako API oraz pakiet NPM.

The idea is to create a simple (in terms of complexity, not ease of use) programming language, that will have quite a concise syntax, that will play with the power of Unicode and most importantly – will be fun to create ;)

Missing your cosy home? Come in to find out, if you can stop working already and head back home!

Whatever you’re doing on your computer, this dictionary is always just two hotkeys away! In a browser, document, pdf reader, everywhere!

Just select a word you want to look up and press Ctrl+C to put it in the Clipboard. Now just press Ctrl+Shift+C. Vocabus will show up and look up a word for you! It’s quick and comfortable, isn’t it?

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