Avris Dotenv

Avris Dotenv

.env file handler


composer require avris/dotenv


Environmental variables are a great way to adjust your application to a specific environment, especially when it comes to sensitive data, like database password.

Those variables should be set by your HTTP server, but for local development having a .env file is way simpler:



All you need to do in your front controller is load this file using Dotenv:

(new \Avris\Dotenv\Dotenv)->load(__DIR__ . '/../.env');

Now all the variables from the file will be available via getenv, $_ENV and $_SERVER.


If your variable value contains a space, remember to quote it:

FOO="Lorem ipsum"

You can add a comment if you start a line with a #:

# comment

You can use vars inside other vars (escape $ with \$):

VAR2="${VAR1}naście ${CZEGO}"

You can also use output of a command (symfony/process is required, escape $ with \$):


Remember .env is a valid bash script.

Other features

You can just read the variables from a file without populating it as environment variables:

$vars = (new \Avris\Dotenv\Dotenv)->read(__DIR__ . '/../.env');

Or just populate vars into environment without parsing a file:

(new \Avris\Dotenv\Dotenv)->populate([
    'FOO' => 'foo',
    'BAR' => 'bar',

You can also rever the process and dump vars into a .env file:

(new \Avris\Dotenv\Dotenv)->save(__DIR__ . '/.env', [
    'FOO' => 'foo',
    'BAR' => 'bar',

Or without saving to a file:

$string = (new \Avris\Dotenv\Dotenv)->dump([
    'FOO' => 'foo',
    'BAR' => 'bar',

Fill command

Dotenv provides a simple way to fill your .env file with values based on user input and defaults.

Let's say you have an application with two modules that require some environment variables: Foo\Database and Foo\Mailer. Install symfony/console and create a command that extends Avris\Dotenv\Command\FillCommand, providing all the defaults:

final class FillCommandImplementation extends \Avris\Dotenv\Command\FillCommand
    protected function getDefaults(): iterable
        yield `Foo\Database` => [
            'DB_HOST' => '',
            'DB_DATABASE' => 'foo',
            'DB_USER' => 'root',
            'DB_PASS' => '',
        yield `Foo\Mailer` => [
            'MAILER_URL' => 'null://localhost',

Let’s say your .env file looks like this:

###> Foo\Database ###
###< Foo\Database ###


Both DB_PASS and MAILER_URL are missing and an additional variable FOO is defined.

If you now run the command, you will be asked what should DB_PASS and MAILER_URL be (defaults '' and null://localhost are offered), and the values you submit will be put in the .env file without removing FOO.

A photo of me

About the author

Hi! I'm Andrea (they/them). I tell computers what to do, both for a living and for fun, I'm also into blogging, writing and photography. I'm trying to make the world just a little bit better: more inclusive, more rational and more just.