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iOS settings: auto-capitalisation disabled

quite some time ago i wrote a post in which i ranted about how i got disppointed by esperanto being advertised to me as “very simple”, yet i was able to find so many ways to make it simpler still.

so… i'm creating a language (as a passion project, not really expecting it to be actually used) in which i'm focusing on simplicity – and one of those simplifications is… completely dropping capital letters. why?

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(~4 min read)

Slurs are derogatory terms weaponised by the oppressor to attack the oppressed. Not the other way around.

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Among people who create websites or apps there's an understanding that UX, user experience, is massively important. We know that most users either don't have the technical knowledge to use software that isn't intuitive, or they simply don't have time to be bothered to get to know an app that isn't easy to use (and they have many alternatives to switch to).

So I'd think that ease of use of one's products is a common concern among companies of all industries, right? Well, I then moved to a new place and had to assemble a lot of furniture… What an absulute UX nightmare it was!

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(~3 min read)
@LesJazd on Twitter: Liberałowie są mniejszością, a określenie

Są całe grupy społeczne, które cierpią przez dyskryminację, marginalizację, szczucie, poniżanie i nierówne traktowanie.

A Leszek Jazdzewski myśli że zna to uczucie, bo… ktosio go nazwało „libkiem” 🤦

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It's not the kind of post I usually write, but you know, I've been a full blown adult for a while now, so why wouldn't I start ranting about some boring chores, huh? 😅

No, seriously, my laundry went from an exhausting and time consuming housework to something I just casually spend a few minutes a week on – and I'm so excited about that that I need to share.

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(~3 min read)

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