
@AvrisIT on Twitter: no. unconditionally respecting everyone's beliefs implies that everyone can just make up any unscientific, baseless, harmful bullshit and expect it to be taken seriously. that's not how reasonable society should behave. @BunCatGirl on Twitter: When a gay doesn’t respect beliefs like - they respect lgbt why the fuk not respect them or just shut yo mouth 🤔🤔🤡

So apparently I'm supposed to respect the belief that there are witches who have hexed the moon, because otherwise it would justify other people's homophobia.

What a pile of absolute bullshit.

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(~2 min read)

The most accurate horoscope ever!

Seriously, you won't get a more accurate reading anywhere else online 😉

It's not God's fault he punishes us. If we would only listen to him... deep down I know he loves us.

As a kid I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea of salvation. It wasn't a big deal, I just accepted what they taught me at home, in church and at school, and assumed that when I'm older and wiser, I'll finally understand.

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(~4 min read)

There’s a reason we don’t teach astrology, fortune-telling, horoscopes, telepathy or homeopathy at schools – they’re bullshit, they are claims not supported by any credible evidence. Yet when it comes to religion, some countries are fine with teaching it in schools. What the fuck?

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Z jakichś powodów nie uczymy astrologii, wróżbiarstwa, horoskopów, telepatii czy homeopatii w szkołach – ponieważ są bzdurami, są twierdzeniami niewspartymi przez żadne wiarygodne dowody. Jednak w przypadku religii niektóre kraje nie widzą problemu z nauczaniem ich w szkołach. What the fuck?

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You cannot say that water has no memory / god does not exist / horoscopes are rubbish / whatever just like that... Remember what Shakespear said: “There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”!

Well, I can. I so can. Because this argument is invalid...

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Nie możesz tak od razu mówić, że woda nie ma pamięci / bozia nie istnieje / horoskopy są z dupy wzięte / whatever... Bo w końcu Shakespear powiedział, że “są rzeczy na niebie i na ziemi, o których się filozofom nie śniło”!

Nie no, mogę. Jak najbardziej mogę. To ten argument jest inwalidą...

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