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This little app is a tribute to Simon Anthony, former UK team member in World Sudoku and World Puzzle Championships and co-host of a YouTube channel Cracking The Cryptic.

His catchphrases and reactions are getting iconic among the viewers, so I thought: why not create a reaction board out of them?

Avris Counter screenshot

It's the simplest way to show a counter of visitors on your website – just copy-paste this simple HTML code!


Polska gramatyka jest skomplikowana i silnie zgenderyzowana. Nie oznacza to jednak, że niemożliwe jest używanie innych form niż „on” i „ona”.

To narzędzie udostępnia linki do przykładów użycia (w prostych zdaniach oraz w literaturze, prasie, filmach i serialach) zaimków i innych form płciowych – nie tylko normatywnych „on” i „ona”, lecz także form niebinarnych.

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We all have pronouns. They're those words that we use instead of calling someone by their name every time we mention them. Most people use “he/him” and “she/her”, so we automatically assume which one to call them based on someone's looks. But it's actually not that simple…

Gender is complicated. Some people “don't look like” their gender. Some prefer being called in a different way from what you'd assume. Some people don't fit into the boxes of “male” or “female” and prefer more neutral language.

This tool lets you share a link to your pronouns, with example sentences, so that you can show people how you like to be called.

The most accurate horoscope ever!

Seriously, you won't get a more accurate reading anywhere else online 😉

SumUp is a simple tool that shows all possible combinations of numbers that add up to a given sum. It's useful for certain types of puzzles, like for example this killer sudoku.

I got super annoyed having to set up all the dependencies for each project every time I started one, and especially implementing user management... Log in, register, confirm email, forgot password, MFA, change email, impersonate, manage avatars, over and over again, booooooring!

So here it is: a template for quickstarting new projects, with all of the above (and more!) included out of the box!

Twemoji is a great way to make emoji's on your website independent of system and browser. But alas, it requires JavaScript...

Unless you just use this library to replace emojis with <img> tags in your backend.


FontAwesome provides thousands of icons, but you probably only use a few dozen on your website. Instead of loading all of them as a webfont, you could use SVG sprites.

This library is a simple helper that:

  • registers the icons you use in the place you use it,
  • dumps a refined set of SVG symbols at the end of your page.

You can check out a blog post about possible gains.


Our sexuality is more complex than just straight/bi/gay. Here you can describe it on three axes: attraction type, relationship type and orientation type.

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Lightweight sorting of tables.

Just add [data-sort] attributes to the th elements in columns you’d like to sort a table by, include ~1kB of JS & CSS, and initialise with sorter() – and that’s it!

For installation instructions and more customisation options, you can check out the readme file.


I got tired of creating deployment scripts for my project, so I finally put together a simple, language-agnostic deployment script based on Makefile and symlinks.

I like multi-column design. Unfortunately, it’s really annoying to work with. If your tiles don’t all have the same height, it looks awful.

That’s why we have Masonry (and alternatives) – but they all use absolute positioning, which can be problematic for lazy loading of images, dynamically adding more elements, etc. We can try doing it with plain CSS – alas, it either breaks the order of tiles or requires knowing the height of the container in advance.

But I think I might have a solution to that: DEMO

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(~2 min read)
? Bearlines

If you’re planning to open an airline that will hire bear guys as flight attendants, or to open a gay bar for bears in Berlin, here’s a name & logo for you 😄

Easily share content...

Need to send someone a nicely formatted text accessible via a simple link? Look no further. Simply add text, headers, images, tables, videos, quotes, code, etc. – and publish it with one click.


No need to run a blog or have a social media account – using showr you can put content on the Internet without registering, and just post the link wherever and however you want.

With a self-destruct...

Sometimes you want things to be more volatile. Showr lets you set a time limit and limit of unique visitors – after either of them is reached, your content will just self-destruct.
SUML logo

YAML gets praised for being clear and human readable, but it’s also criticised for being ambiguous.

SUML is an attempt to keep the good things about YAML but remove its ambiguity and needless complexity.

SUML documentation SUML implementation in PHP SUML support for Symfony SUML implementation in JavaScript SUML Webpack Loader
Block Checker screenshot

Check how many people you blocked on Twitter and compare yourself to others.

A simple file synchronisation tool using avris-fs.

Warning! It’s a very early version! Conflict handling is not implemented, so only use it when you can safely assume often synchronisations/rare conflicts/versioning on the remote, etc.

Continue reading… npm: avris-sync

A filesystem management abstraction layer for JavaScript. Manage files on local filesystem, on FTP server, on Amazon S3, etc. all through the same interface.

Warning! It’s a very early version!

Continue reading… npm: avris-fs
Avris GraphqlBundle

Simplify Graphql configuration using plain methods with typehints and annotations.

This bundle is a wrapper on webonyx/graphql-php.

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(~3 min read)

Use this library to run any process in the background without blocking the console. It will start a child process, detach it, and save its PID to a file in order to be able to stop it later.

npm: avris-daemonise
Avris Dojo

A Coding Dojo is a great way to practise programming, test-driven development, teamwork, pair programming and problem solving. Avris Dojo provides an easy way to synchronise your dojo codebase with your teammates.

jQuery used to be virtually indispensable, if you wanted to develop a cross-browser website without getting a headache.

Today, however, you might not need jQuery, especially, if you’re developing a library and want to avoid unnecessary dependencies.

Still, some helpers could be useful... Vanillin is an opinionated set of helpers that I find most useful, a bare minimum to make life easier.

npm: avris-vanillin

A Chrome extension that replaces “Donald Trump” on all websites with “Twitler”.

Chrome Extension

A framework doesn’t have to be overly complex! Micrus provides you with a quick, easy and comfortable way of creating neatly structured, modular MVC websites, which can be easily extended and configured.

Our goal is to keep the framework as simple as possible, while offering all the most important features.

Forms are complicated. There are many things you must take into consideration: binding an existing object (if any) to each sparate field of the form, validating them after user has submited the form, if invalid redisplaying it with POST data bound and with validation errors, binding the data back to an object...

Avris Forms add an abstraction layer that handles all of that. You just need to define the list of fields you need and their cofiguration options. You’ll get an object that will handle everything for you. Just handle it in the controller and display it in the view.

HTTP Request/Response abstraction

An extension to Avris Localisator and Avris Stringer introducing support for the Polish language.

A Chrome extension that lets you download images and videos by just Ctrl+Alt+Clicking on them.

Chrome Extension
Avris Bag

Avris Bag is a set of helpers that make working with arrays in PHP way easier.

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(~4 min read)

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