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Let’s not kid ourselves, most of us would like to have more than one partner. But we rarely dare to admit it. The taboo on polygamy is too big.

I hate taboos though! Let’s loosen it up a notch! Let’s talk about non-monogamy and why it’s not as evil and depraved as it might sound.

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(~5 min read)
If You’re Happy And You Know It That’s A Sin

The concept of sin is scary for believers, but for non-believers – it’s just foolish. Sinful is not the same as wrong, evil and immoral. Why not?

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(~2 min read)
Me at Halensee

Ich liebe, wie die Deutschen nicht prüde sind, wenn es um Nacktheit geht. Sie haben sogar eine Dating-Show, wo man ein Date nur darauf basierend auswählt, wie es nackt aussieht – und es gibt fast keine Kontroverse deswegen. Sie haben die Nacktheit sogar zum eine Art der Kultur gebracht – es nennt sich zwar FKK, Freikörperkultur.

Ich habe es immer genossen, nackt zu sein, sei es mit anderen Leuten oder nicht. Und von dem, was ich gehört habe, für einem FKKler gibt es nur wenige (oder keine) besseren Länder zu leben als Deutschland. Aber trotzdem gibt es einige Dinge, die ich nicht mag...

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(~4 min read)
Me at Halensee

I love how the Germans are non-prudish when it comes to nudity. They even have a dating show, where people choose their dates solely based on how they look naked – and it sparks next to no controversy at all. They’ve even created a kind of culture around being naked – that’s actually how they call it in German: FKK, Freikörperkultur, Free Body Culture.

I’ve always enjoyed being naked, be it with other people or not. And from what I’ve heard, for a nudist there are very few (or no) better countries to live than Germany. But still, there are some things that annoy me about it...

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(~4 min read)

Being gay is not easy. Depending on where you live, it might mean different things to you. Best case scenario – some minor inconveniences. Worst case – even danger of death. LGBTQ youth has a higher suicide rate than their straight & cis friends, they fear getting disowned by their families, thrown out of their homes, in some countries being sentenced to prison or lashes... We don’t have equal rights, we can’t always show affection in public. Being gay can be scary, lonely and awful.

But there is also a good side to that. The side of being gay that I really really love!

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(~6 min read)