
I need to rant.

I’ve had enough of Germany. I know, I know, it’s given me opportunities that I could never expect in my homeland of Poland, I’ve spent amazing three years here, I married the love of my life here... But now it’s not time for good stuff. Now it’s time for a complaint.

Here’s (some of) the reasons why I want to move out from this country.

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(~12 min read)

Today I found out that in some laboratories, when you want to get your blood tested for HIV/HCV/syphilis/etc. (for free and anonymously), you do not have to go to confession about your sexual life. It was a great surprise for me, because whenever I did such tests, I always got to fill out a questionnaire about what, when, how many times, and with how many guys I did it. And then I had to further elaborate in a face-to-face conversation with some stranger.

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(~2 min read)

Dziś dowiedziałem się, że w niektórych laboratoriach gdy robią ci (darmowe i anonimowe) badania krwi na HIV/HCV/kiłę/etc., wcale nie musisz się nikomu spowiadać ze swojego życia seksualnego. To dla mnie niemałe zaskoczenie, bo kiedy bym sobie takich badań nie robił, zawsze najpierw dostawałem do wypełnienia ankietę, co, kiedy, jak i z iloma robiłem, a potem jeszcze musiałem to doprecyzować face-to-face jakiemuś obcemu kolesiowi...

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(~2 min read)

...dann warum, zum Teufel, raucht man da?

Continue reading… why the hell does anyone smoke there?

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