
Screenshot of the mentioned tweet

Alejandra Caraballo posted a video of a powerful testimony by Lola Smith, a 12-year-old nonbinary person forced to beg for their rights in front of the Florida Medical Board. This video is both terrifying and empowering. Indeed, everyone should see it.

But transphobes transphobing and trans people being forced to defend their dignity is just a part of the struggle. Another one is how our “allies” are pretending to ally…

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(~3 min read)
A hand holding an envelope in the colours of trans flag

DWH Delft organised a letter writing campaign to advocate for the passage of the trans ID bill in the Netherlands.

As much as I'd personally prefer to remove gender markers from official documents entirely, I believe that if it has to be there, it should at least be reasonably easy for trans people to make it reflect their real gender. So here's my letter:

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(~4 min read)

Hello. My name is Andrea Vos.

But arriving at that name was quite a journey, so I figured I might write the story down.

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(~4 min read)

Slurs are derogatory terms weaponised by the oppressor to attack the oppressed. Not the other way around.

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I'm not kidding, everyone should have pronouns in their bio, if it's safe for them to do so. Yes, even if you're cis (= not trans). Yes, even if you're famous and everyone knows your gender already.

Here's why:

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(~2 min read)

Nie żartuję. Każdx, kto może bezpiecznie to zrobić, powininx mieć zaimki w bio. Tak, nawet jeśli jesteś cis (= nie trans). Tak, nawet jeśli jesteś sławnx i każdy już zna twoją płeć.

Oto dlaczego:

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(~3 min read)
@JackChristy93 on Twitter: Something I probably shouldn't say as a gay man: I don't think LGBT works. Sexuality (LGB) and gender identity (T) are nothing like eachother. To be honest the way Gay & Lesbian issues have been slapped aside for gender identity theory pisses me off.

LGBTQ+ does work. We go together, hand in hand. We fight for each other's rights. It's the “T” who threw the first bricks in Stonewall.

Blabbing about “separate issues” is just you trying to mask that you're EMBARRASSED to be associated with trans people.

It's transphobia🙄

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