Who killed Dumbledore? It was Snape, right? We’ve all read the book, we saw Snape cast the spell... But Dumbledore kinda killed himself, right...? And it wouldn’t have happened without Malfoy, right? And what about the role of Voldemort in that death?
Dyskusja dyskusją, ale co mnie w powyższym tweecie najbardziej zaciekawiło, to homofobia kryjąca się aż na trzy różne sposoby w samym tylko pierwszym zdaniu:
Did anyone receive a message recently that contained a video of me watching porn? 😆
Because apparently I was being blackmailed that all my contacts would receive it, if I don’t pay 202€ in BTC. Alas, I didn’t check the spam folder, so I’d missed the deadline a week ago 🤷
PinkNews has just shown an example of “great” journalism by reporting about the list of Hollywood’s smallest penises. An inclusive LGBTQ news portal taking part in body shaming? What a disgrace!
Also: someone seriously still gives a fuck about someone else’s cock size? You probably won’t even sleep with any of those celebrities anyway. Just stop invading their privacy already...
Anyways... maybe it’s time for me to weigh in a bit on the subject of cock sizes?
Depending on one company with all of your data is pretty risky. Even if we ignore the obvious privacy concerns of when some corporation knows everything about you... Just imagine what would happen to you personally, if one day that corporation would just... disappear for whatever reason. Say, Google gets a huge fine from the European Commission for one of their monopolistic practices or shitting on their users’ privacy, and turns out they don’t recover from that. How screwed are you?
One day you lose your emails, photos, passwords, documents, notes, calendar, what else?
So, recently I decided to diversify my technical dependencies. Not to boycott Google completely, but to at least use it less.
Pan Dziewiecki zasłynął ostatnio tym, jak z ambony ogłosił, że osoby niewierzące w boga nie są zdolne do miłości. Jest to wierutną bzdurą, co dla większości jest zapewnie oczywiste. Pozostałym służę krótkim wypunktowaniem.
To fascynujące, że choć “prof. dr hab.” przed nazwiskiem świadczy o imponującym dorobku naukowym, to wystarczy dodać “ks.”, żeby tytuł “ks. prof. dr hab.” nie świadczył zupełnie o niczym.
I’ve finally seen “Spotlight”. And then, for the first time in my life, I grabbed the first object around and angrily threw it on the floor. And, of course, I burst into tears out of helplessness.
Obejrzałem wreszcie “Spotlight”. A potem po raz pierwszy w życiu zdarzyło mi się złapać pierwszą lepszą rzecz, która była pod ręką, i z wkurwu cisnąć nią o podłogę. No i oczywiście poryczałem się z bezsilności.
Przez kilka dni obserwowałem, jak wygląda świat z perspektywy twitterowego prawicowca. Zobaczyłem świat tak przeżarty nienawiścią, że aż chce mi się ryczeć.
The PHP ecosystem is full of frameworks: Symfony, Laravel, Yii, Zend, Phalcon, and so many, many, many more... All of them built by professionals and supported by big communities. So why on earth would a junior developer, who has just started his first job, try his hand in building yet another one?
Ever wondered, why does the biblical arch-enemy have such cool names? “Satan” means “the accuser”. Is he accusing the God Almighty himself? What could he possibly have on that omnipotent, benevolent guy? “Lucifer” means “light-bringing”. Does it mean he brings the humanity the knowledge, the enlightenment?