
I got super annoyed having to set up all the dependencies for each project every time I started one, and especially implementing user management... Log in, register, confirm email, forgot password, MFA, change email, impersonate, manage avatars, over and over again, booooooring!

So here it is: a template for quickstarting new projects, with all of the above (and more!) included out of the box!

Screenshot of the new version of the blog

It wasn’t really supposed for the New Year, but I’ve had plenty of free time on my hands during the holiday break, so here it is already: a brand new version of my blog 🥳

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(~3 min read)

Bequemer Service für bestätigen und generieren von Steuer-IdNr., IBAN, TIN, ISBN, EAN, Kennwörter...

Auch als API und NPM package verfügbar.

generator.avris.it gitlab.com/Avris/Generator npmjs.com/package/avris-generator

Generate and validate numbers and identifiers like IBAN, ISBN, EAN, PESEL, BSN, passwords...

Also available as and API and an NPM package.

generator.avris.it gitlab.com/Avris/Generator npmjs.com/package/avris-generator

Wygodne narzędzie do walidowania i generowania numerów PESEL, NIP, REGON, numeru dowodu osobistego, rachunku bankowego, haseł itp.

Dostępny również jako API oraz pakiet NPM.

generator.avris.it gitlab.com/Avris/Generator npmjs.com/package/avris-generator