
It's not God's fault he punishes us. If we would only listen to him... deep down I know he loves us.

As a kid I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea of salvation. It wasn't a big deal, I just accepted what they taught me at home, in church and at school, and assumed that when I'm older and wiser, I'll finally understand.

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(~4 min read)

For whatever reason, many monotheists seem proud of believing in just one god as opposed to those “pagans” who believe in many. They consider it some kind of a “progress” (well, one is closer to the actual number of gods – zero – so technically it might be correct). But are they really monotheistic?

When you walk into the church I used to attend as a child, what do you see in the very center? Yes, the tabernacle, allegedly containing god himself. But what’s way way above it? What’s surrounded by golden ornaments and votive offerings? A figurine of Mary.

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(~3 min read)

I’m a bit annoyed when somebody tries to convert me to their faith. Because although I know they probably do it for good reasons, wanting to give me a gift of eternal salvation and all that crap, from a perspective of a person that has spent (way too) much time getting to know religions of the world, the fact that god doesn’t exist is so obvious, and the absurdity of religions is so immense, that there’s no way back for me. It’s a waste of time to even look at it.

I have, however, found a way to spare myself all that conversional boredom. Ready?

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(~2 min read)
Casper Ghost

Trochę mnie wkurza, gdy ktoś chce mnie nawracać. Bo wprawdzie wiem, że to zapewne z dobrych pobudek, że chcą mi dać prezent w postaci życia wiecznego i w ogóle, ale z perspektywy człowieka, który spędził (zdecydowanie zbyt) wiele czasu na poznawaniu religii świata, fakt nieistnienia boga jest dla mnie tak oczywisty, a absurdalność religii tak wielka, że nie ma już dla mnie drogi powrotnej. Szkoda czasu nawet na patrzenie w jej stronę.

Znalazłem jednak sposób, by sobie tych nawracaniowych przynudzań oszczędzić. Gotowi?

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(~2 min read)